


Purpose: Persons or members of a board given control or powers of administration of property or assets for the benefit of a third party. Trustees hold the legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified. They make decisions in the beneficiary’s best interest and have a fiduciary responsibility to the trust beneficiaries. Reginald…

Church Clerks

Church Clerks

Duties Give the Morning announcements for Worship Services; Attend business meetings to document the proceedings, including all approved church business transactions and then present a record of these minutes to the group at the next meeting; and maintain membership records that contain the dates each member joins or leaves the church. Reginia Whitley – Clerk…

Deacon Ministry

Deacon Ministry

Purpose: To fulfill our duties as Deacons by supporting our Pastor on anything God has laid on his heart to do. We serve our members and support all of our Church activities, which includes visiting other churches along with our Pastor. We visit the sick and shut-in, the jails and prisons. To follow the instructions found in I…

Deaconess Ministry

Deaconess Ministry

Our Purpose​ To serve our Lord, be of assistance to the Pastor, the Deacons, the Church Family and the Community. Motto “That Christian women working for the Lord be respectable in their dress and let their actions reflect women doing good work.” “To speak of things of sound doctrine, be a teacher of good things, that the…

Pulpit Beautification Ministry

Pulpit Beautification Ministry

Ministry Mission: The Beautification Ministry provides decorations and flower arrangements to enhance the visual appeal of the sanctuary and church, making special preparations for holidays and special events as we glorify God. Ministry Vision: To beautify and create a more inviting atmosphere, enhancing the worship experience. Ministry Scripture Reference: Splendor and majesty are before Him;…

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Our Purpose The purpose of the Women’s Ministry is to build up the body of Women by providing fellowship, support, leadership opportunities, programs and resources for spiritual and personal growth to equip, guide, and strengthen our faith, prayer life,and Christian walk with God. We strive to build a Ministry that will empower all women to live a purposeful life…

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

“Men Coming Together Seeking God’s Direction” Our Mission Bringing men to Christ, service to the church, fellowship/worship, spiritual growth, and service to the community. Our Purpose To help each other in the physical, emotional needs and spiritual growth process.

Hospitality and Kitchen Ministry

Hospitality and Kitchen Ministry

Our Mission “To Serve Our Guests, Members, Family, and Friends” Our Purpose The Hospitality/Kitchen Ministry is responsible for supporting all of the Church’s meetings, gatherings, and special events through the presentation of food.  The Ministry plans, purchases, prepares, and serves nutritious meals or refreshments while promoting a warm environment of hospitality and fellowship. The ministry…