Deaconess Ministry

Our Purpose​

To serve our Lord, be of assistance to the Pastor, the Deacons, the Church Family and the Community.


“That Christian women working for the Lord be respectable in their dress and let their actions reflect women doing good work.”

“To speak of things of sound doctrine, be a teacher of good things, that the word of God be lifted up and gloried.”


“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised”. Proverbs 31:30 KJV


Deaconess Victoria Lawrence, President

Deaconess Mildred Morris, Vice-President

Deaconess Frances James, Secretary

Deaconess Dianne Braxton, Treasurer

Deaconess Rosalind Walker, Program Coordinator

Deaconess Gillian Sutherlin, Program Coordinator

Deaconess Hazel Pierce, Program Coordinator

Deaconess Zelda Givens, Program Coordinator